Articulate analytics

Do you feel out of touch with whats going on under the covers of your programme?

Would you like to have a better overview of whats important?

Then let us help you to better understand what is going on in your project or programme with visualisations of live delivery data.

We can:

  • Work with you to review data sources available, and understand the questions you want the data to answer.
  • Review the quality of the data available and how best to answer the questions you want to ask.
  • Build online visualisations of live programme or project data to answer your questions.

This approach will give you a better understanding of what is going on under the covers of your programme or project, enabling you to answer delivery questions like:

  • What is my current risk exposure (by project / workstream)?
  • What are my top open risks, issues and change requests?
  • Where do risks, issues and actions come from and how long do they take to resolve (by project / workstream)?
  • Could we have seen the issues coming (were we aware of them as risks first)?
  • How are my projects spending against their forecasts and their budgets?
  • Are we on track to deliver on budget?

You will have better control of the programme or project, improved predictability in delivery, and hence improved credibility with and confidence from across the business.

Timelines depend on priorities, and any other services being delivered concurrently for the same client.

“When Pragmatic PMO was engaged, some of the suppliers had no purchase orders in place and had been working on (steadily diminishing!) good faith for months.

Pragmatic PMO implemented just enough project management fundamentals and discipline to enable the programme to robustly deliver some fantastic outcomes for the client. If you are looking for strategic programme delivery support services that you can actually lean on, Pragmatic PMO should be at the top of your list.”

Mark Ferguson, Programme Director

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